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The Living God - Can an almighty God do everything?
The Living God - Can an almighty God do everything?
by SPCK - Alister McGrath
An almighty God: power, compassion and suffering 3 Can an almighty God do everything? It’s easy to see why so many people think that believing in an ‘almighty’ God means believing in a God who can do anything and everything – after all, God is God. But when you begin to think abo
The Living God - An almighty God: power, compassion and suffering
The Living God - An almighty God: power, compassion and suffering
by SPCK - Alister McGrath
An almighty God: power, compassion and suffering 3 It is among my most vivid memories of my early schooldays. One lunchtime, when I was about seven years old, I got into a heated conversation with two classmates over whose father was the most important. Every school playground in
The Living God - The Christian story of salvation: doing justice to God
The Living God - The Christian story of salvation: doing justice to God
by SPCK - Alister McGrath
Mystery or muddle? The Trinity 5 The Christian story of salvation: doing justice to God The Christian Church has always realized that getting God right trumps everything. The doctrine of the Trinity aims to integrate all the elements of the rich and complex biblical witness to th
The Living God - Images as windows into God
The Living God - Images as windows into God
by SPCK - Alister McGrath
Which God Are We Talking About? 1 Images as windows into God A picture is worth a thousand words.’ Being able to show someone a picture of a beautiful scene, a complicated piece of machinery or a pet cat goes a long way towards making up for the limitations of human words. So per
The Living God - Which God Are We Talking About?
The Living God - Which God Are We Talking About?
by SPCK - Alister McGrath
Which God Are We Talking About? 1 It was prize-giving day at my school. As usual a distinguished visitor had been invited to lend a little dignity to what might otherwise be a rather dull occasion, and before presenting the prizes he was invited to give a short address. The visit
The Living God - Seeing God in the events of history
The Living God - Seeing God in the events of history
by SPCK - Alister McGrath
Which God Are We Talking About? 1 Seeing God in the events of history Universities are wonderful places for having arguments yet staying friends afterwards. A colleague and I were swapping views on God. He liked the idea of God he found in the writings of the seventeenth-century
The Living God - Moving on
The Living God - Moving on
by SPCK - Alister McGrath
Which God Are We Talking About? 1 Moving on In this chapter we have explored two slightly different – but converging – themes. First, we have identified God relationally. Christians know and love – as they are in turn known and loved by – the same God known and loved by Abraham a
Twelve Months of Sundays Year A - The Sunday Next Before Lent Year A
Twelve Months of Sundays Year A - The Sunday Next Before Lent Year A
by SPCK - N T Wright
The Sunday Next Before Lent - Year A Exodus 24.12–18 2 Peter 1.16–21 Matthew 17.1–9 The mountain, the glory, the fear. The old story thunders around the crags of scripture, and we hear it echoing from every side, rolling on down the valleys. Moses on the mountain with God. Joshua
Journeying with Luke - Christmas and Epiphany
Journeying with Luke - Christmas and Epiphany
by SPCK - Woodward, Gooder and Pryce
Christmas and Epiphany Exploring the text Each of the Gospel writers addresses the themes of Christmas (the birth of Jesus) and Epiphany (the revelation of who he was) differently. Mark omits them entirely. Matthew has Jesus’ birth followed by the adoration of the Magi, and Luke’
Twelve Months of Sunday year c - Proper 2 Year C
Twelve Months of Sunday year c - Proper 2 Year C
by SPCK - N T Wright
Proper 2 Jeremiah 17.5–10 1 Corinthians 15.12–20 Luke 6.17–26 Blessings and woes: the upside-down world of the gospel, addressing, as Jeremiah had done, the heart’s self-deceptions, and allowing YHWH to test the mind and search the heart. The woes read like a list of contemporary
Twelve Months of Sundays Year B - Proper 9 - Year B
Twelve Months of Sundays Year B - Proper 9 - Year B
by SPCK - N T Wright
Proper 9 Year B The paradoxes of power. David bided his time, refused to lift up his hand against God’s anointed (though he knew himself to be anointed also), and then at last became king in a further anointing. The move to Jerusalem was politically shrewd (though obscured by the
Body - Chapter 3 - The resurrection body
Body - Chapter 3 - The resurrection body
by SPCK - Paula Gooder
The resurrection body So what does happen when we die? Our reflections on the question of who we are as people and on the place of the soul in our identity leads naturally to the question of life after death. For some people the word ‘soul’ has dual purpose: it describes both who
Body - Chapter 2 - Keeping body and soul together
Body - Chapter 2 - Keeping body and soul together
by SPCK - Paula Gooder
Keeping body and soul together We are now in a position to turn our attention to Paul and to his view of the body and soul. As we observed in the previous chapter, different understandings of the soul make it hard for us to work out what we mean when we use the word ‘soul’, let a
Body - Chapter 3 - The resurrection body (part 2)
Body - Chapter 3 - The resurrection body (part 2)
by SPCK - Paula Gooder
The resurrection body (part 2) What kind of resurrection bodies? But someone will ask, ‘How are the dead raised? With what kind of body do they come?’ Fool! What you sow does not come to life unless it dies. And as for what you sow, you do not sow the body that is to be, but a ba
Body - Chapter 4 - A spiritual body?
Body - Chapter 4 - A spiritual body?
by SPCK - Paula Gooder
A spiritual body? The climax of Paul’s reflection on resurrection bodies comes in 1 Corinthians 15.42–46. Having set up the analogy of resurrection bodies being like a seed that is planted in the ground which needs to be transformed, Paul then laid down parameters which shape how
Body - Chapter 5 - The life-giving spirit